Sunday, March 30, 2014

Decorative Letter Plaques

      It's another cold, wet day outside today so I decided to stay in and finally do something with the letter plaques I bought at Michaels a few years ago.  I bought them to put on the walls of my sons' rooms, but they have been in my craft closet for way too long.  My oldest loves music, so I decided to decorate his letters with music notes. My other son is obsessed with cars, trucks, and anything with wheels so I'll decorate his with pictures of vehicles.  I had a hard time finding scrapbook paper with a car theme so I have an old calendar I'm going to try. But that is for another day.  Today I'm making the music letters.

First I gathered my supplies, which I fortunately had on hand.  I didn't want to run to the store in this cold rain!  They consisted of wooden letters (by Nicole - found at Michaels), Mod Podge, scrapbook paper (one 12x12 for each letter), a pencil, and scissors.

I flipped over the paper and traced the letter. I cut the letter out just inside the pencil line so it was slightly smaller than the letter.

Using a paint brush, I spread a generous amout of Mod Podge onto the letter. 

Next, I placed the paper onto the letter.  You should be able to slide the paper around until it is in place.  If you don't use a generous amount of Mod Podge, it will be very sticky and moving the paper will be difficult.  Using a flat edge, I squeezed out any bubbles or wrinkles in the paper.

I added a thin layer of Mod Podge on top.

Once it dried, I used a sponge and ink pad to blacken the edges of the letters.

Finally I painted the edges.

My husband helped me measure and hang them on my son's wall. He loves it, and that makes me happy!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Beautiful Easter Centerpiece

This is a fun and colorful centerpiece you will love. 

And - it is easy and inexpensive to make!  I purchased all of my supplies at Walmart.

First, center the smaller vase inside the larger one and add jelly beans.

Next, push the Easter grass over the jelly beans.

Add the Peeps and flowers and your centerpiece is complete! See how easy that was?

Easter Wreath

It has been a long and cold winter. I for one am ready for Spring! This easy indoor wreath is sure to lift your spirits and make you happy!!

Start with a foam wreath, two skeins of multi colored furry yarn, and miscellaneous Easter picks.

Wrap the yarn around the wreath, making sure to leave no spaces. This takes awhile, so put in a good movie and get comfortable!

Finally, cut the stems of your Easter picks and insert into the wreath. You may have to bend the stems using pliers before inserting into the wreath.

Add a pretty pink silk ribbon from which to hang it and voila! You have a beautiful wreath sure to cheer up any room of your home. (And no one will know how easy it was.)