Sunday, March 30, 2014

Decorative Letter Plaques

      It's another cold, wet day outside today so I decided to stay in and finally do something with the letter plaques I bought at Michaels a few years ago.  I bought them to put on the walls of my sons' rooms, but they have been in my craft closet for way too long.  My oldest loves music, so I decided to decorate his letters with music notes. My other son is obsessed with cars, trucks, and anything with wheels so I'll decorate his with pictures of vehicles.  I had a hard time finding scrapbook paper with a car theme so I have an old calendar I'm going to try. But that is for another day.  Today I'm making the music letters.

First I gathered my supplies, which I fortunately had on hand.  I didn't want to run to the store in this cold rain!  They consisted of wooden letters (by Nicole - found at Michaels), Mod Podge, scrapbook paper (one 12x12 for each letter), a pencil, and scissors.

I flipped over the paper and traced the letter. I cut the letter out just inside the pencil line so it was slightly smaller than the letter.

Using a paint brush, I spread a generous amout of Mod Podge onto the letter. 

Next, I placed the paper onto the letter.  You should be able to slide the paper around until it is in place.  If you don't use a generous amount of Mod Podge, it will be very sticky and moving the paper will be difficult.  Using a flat edge, I squeezed out any bubbles or wrinkles in the paper.

I added a thin layer of Mod Podge on top.

Once it dried, I used a sponge and ink pad to blacken the edges of the letters.

Finally I painted the edges.

My husband helped me measure and hang them on my son's wall. He loves it, and that makes me happy!

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